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Don't Send Sulution
Don't Send Sulution
Merziteni shpesh kur t'ju del Don't Send ne Pc atehere ja hapat qe duhet ti merrni per ta hequr kete dhe qe te mos shfaqet me ne Pc tuaj:
1 . My Computer
2. Proptiers
3. Advanced
4. Error Reporting
5. Disable Error Reporting
6. Ok
Nuk marre ndonje Pergjegjesi ne rast te ndonje Prishjeje ne Pc tuaj
I am the King
Try to be good!
ALL-LLah is the Greatest!
1 . My Computer
2. Proptiers
3. Advanced
4. Error Reporting
5. Disable Error Reporting
6. Ok
Nuk marre ndonje Pergjegjesi ne rast te ndonje Prishjeje ne Pc tuaj
I am the King
Try to be good!
ALL-LLah is the Greatest!
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